Educating and empowering each person with individualized speech, language, and feeding therapy-tailored strategies.

“Every Voice Matters!”

By building strong relationships with each client, I aim to enhance their quality of life allowing their voice to be heard and valued! This is done by learning and using each person’s unique strengths coupled with learned strategies.

Holistic-Functional Approaches - Evidence-Based Practices - Individualized Treatment

Welcome to

Third Coast Speech & Language Therapy

Areas of Specialty

Oral Facial Myology (aka Oral Myology or "Myo" for short). It is the placement and coordination of the muscles of the face, mouth, and throat.
How these muscles move together for proper breathing, swallowing, and speaking. 

myofunctional therapy, snoring, tongue tie, nasal breathing

Speech: how we make speech sounds using our mouths, lips, and tongue. 
Articulation-individual speech sounds
Phonology-patterns of speech sounds
Mouth-speech articulation intelligibility phonology apraxia of speech

Language:  how we understand and use words to communicate needs/wants, thoughts, ideas, and feelings.
Includes different components like:
Receptive Language
Expressive Language
Social Language (i.e. non-verbal communication)
third coast speech & language, receptive, expressive, social language- nonverbal

Fluent Speech: typical rate, smoothness, flow, and effort for speech production.

Using fluent speech should take minimal effort.
Typical Disfluent Speech 

Voice: how we use our vocal cords to make sounds.

Includes characteristics like pitch, volume, resonance ( i.e. hyper/hypo nasal), quality (i.e. breathy, hoarse)

No matter the age or communication challenge, our approach to therapy is hinged on the individual's wants and needs.

The education of the client through play and practice with youngsters, and direct teaching of strategies of older children and adults, is an essential step towards being independent.

I imagine speech and language therapy services as being like sea glass. It is not about changing who the person is but rather, using their strengths to shape their areas of need to communicate as they wish. Achieving your goal is within you already, you may need insight from a professional and experienced SLP on different ways to reach those goals.

The Third Coast Way…

"Sea glass: a symbol of transformation, whispers tales of change and growth, a mirror of our own journeys”.

~ Unknown

Let’s Get Started!

I am licensed to practice in Wisconsin and provide in-person sessions at our office in Racine, or teletherapy anywhere in southeastern Wisconsin.

Step 1: Consultation

The process starts with a 15-minute, free consultation, to learn about one another and discuss your concerns.

Based on this information, an evaluation may be recommended and scheduled. 

Step 2: Evaluation

A comprehensive speech and language evaluation will be completed.

Through this evaluation process, we learn more about the areas of strength and challenges.

The results from the information gathered, including compiled data, will be the basis for my recommendations for the treatment plan.

Step 3: Treatment

Start by attending regular speech-language therapy sessions working toward your personalized speech-language communication goals.

Sessions are generally 45-60 minutes, 1-2 times weekly.

An element of coaching, including with caregivers if appropriate, is included.

Resources, handouts, and other practice/homework are essential tools for the carry-over of learned skills in our sessions.